Describing the purpose of the establishment of Pushtisanskar School, Goswami Shree Piyushbavashri says that;
विद्या सत्कर्म साधनोतु, कर्म चोन्नतिकृत्भवेत ।
उन्नतिः सर्वश्रेयात्मा, सर्वस्तु वैश्विकं मतम् ।।
ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वम् इति
भावनया कृतम् ।
पुष्टिसंस्कार संकल्पं, ततो हृद्यभिवर्धताम् ।।
The knowledge we receive becomes the purpose of our daily practice of doing good deeds, those good deeds are the cause of our progress. May this progress be in the interest of the survey and the achievement of world peace and prosperity.
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